Exercises for Osteoarthritis

Exercises For Osteoarthritis Can Help Sufferers Reduce Joint Pain!

It’s Never Too Late To Start

Exercises for Osteoarthritis should be a priority for anyone suffering from arthritis. One of the worst things sufferers can do is rest. Joints stiffen up, muscles weaken and arthritis pain may increase if you are immobile.

You know how hard it is to get moving when you first get out of bed in the morning. Everything is stiff, joints hurt and the last thing on your mind is exercise. But as the day goes on you notice that your joint pain becomes less and it’s far easier to move. This is because joints free up and muscles loosen giving you more flexibility.

How then can you improve your mobility and get more pain relief? The answer is Exercises for Osteoarthritis.

How much exercise and what form it should take will depend on the severity of your condition. If you have not been very active then your initial exercise program will be much lighter than someone who leads an active lifestyle. Walking, cycling (a stationary exercise bike is ideal) and swimming are the gentlest forms of arthritis exercise you can do.

If you can’t swim then find a pool where they can teach you some simple exercises that you can do in the water. Many pools offer specialized classes graded to the ability of the people in each class. If you have difficulty in finding somewhere, contact your local Government body, arthritis groups or even local physiotherapists who may be able to help.

Weight training is another great form of Exercise for Osteoarthritis. Weight training helps to build muscle which supports joints. This stabilizes the joint and helps to strengthen cartilage in the joint which can help prevent further deterioration and give you pain relief. You should only do weight training in a properly supervised situation. And for the ladies who may be reluctant to go to a mixed gym, many gyms these days offer ladies only sessions.

Now some sufferers may say that their condition is too severe to do anything. Remember, nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it. Even if you start with something as simple as sitting in a chair and swing your legs through a full range of movement. Start by doing 5 swings, rest for 30 seconds do it again rest and repeat for another 5. Aim to build up to 10 leg swings twice or 3 times a day.

You can do the same with your arms. If hands are your problem grab a soft ball that fits comfortably in your hand and squeeze it starting with 3 sets of 5 building up to sets of ten.

Start with short walks, even if it’s just walking up and down your hallway and gradually build up. Use your imagination – there are many form of exercise that you can do at home. The main thing is to get into a regular routine, do it consistently and you will notice how much arthritis pain relief you are getting.

It is however better if your exercise is done in an organized situation away from your home. It’s so easy at home to say “I don’t feel like exercising now I’ll do it later” and of course it never happens.

If you have to do it at home see if you can find someone to exercise with and have set times for exercise every day. It’s amazing how having a commitment with someone else makes sure you do it. And the big winner is you!

What should you avoid? Basically any Exercise for Osteoarthritis that involves impact on your joints. Jogging, running, tennis and jumping rope are examples. In these activities your foot hits the ground hard and jars the joint which may cause more damage and increase joint pain which is the last thing you want.

Before you start you should discuss your proposed exercise program with your doctor or health care professional. You will find they will encourage you in your quest for pain relief but they can advise you if there is any particular form of exercise you should avoid.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life – make the best of it and move forward.

Read more about arthritis exercises.

The information in this website is not intended to be used as a substitute for professional medical advice. You should always consult a qualified healthcare provider. Do not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease yourself. Please consult your healthcare provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your condition.

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